
Max for Live Device

Orbit is a modulator with many perspectives.

On the surface it’s simply mixing sine waves — but a little peek under the hood reveals the many pathways tangling and unraveling with each other.

Perfect Silence at the Stars

Orbit starts with three orbs, each producing sine waves with its own rate, phase, and amplitude (labeled distance). The rate can be synced to Live's transport or set free.

Individual control signals can be assigned to any of the mapping destination.

The Sum of All Parts

Sum of the three orbs.

Min and Max

Highest and the lowest values.

Clip and Limit

Clipping orb 2 & 3 with orb 1.

Orbits mapping works similarly to Lives stock modulator devices. Simply click map, and while the mapping button is blinking, whatever parameter that is clicked on will be assigned the modulation.

Sweeping Changes

Orbits main GUI is an X/Y pad, dynamically scaling the amplitude along the x-axis, and the rate along the y-axis.

Orbits GUI can be set to release, pulling the
coordinates to a neutral position overtime.

Minimum Requirements:
Ableton Live 11 Suite or Standard with Max for Live Installed.
